whats the difference between exploring

She froze with her forearms still half-lifted, horrified by the sight of the leather coat landing squarely on whoever-it-was. As they began to cry out and struggle free, she considered her options. Run away? Feign ignorance? Look up and blame a mysterious upstairs figure? No, of course not. For one thing, she wasn't afraid of facing the music and for another she always insisted upon honesty in herself and others. It was one of her strictest codes. But she was young and a stranger in a strange land and couldn't help the evasive ideas running through her head. Squelching them down, Caspa tried to look apologetic, her dark eyes penitent but her posture as rigidly proud as ever. "Yes, it is." Stepping forward, she retrieved the garment and kneading it in her paws, continued "sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention, like an idiot."

He was a wolf, coloured an appealing variety of red-browns, looked a little older than her, smelled of the Court, but not emphatically. Viggo Rhys he said his name was and she answered quite simply with the same information, "Caspa." She dropped the coat to the ground and kicked it aside, as if annoyed with it for her mis-throw. It was heavy, that was all. "Only a recent arrival, so I am still unfamiliar with some of the pack. What's your history with these lands?"


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