whats the difference between exploring

The demeanor of the femme before him seemed a mixture of embarrassment and indignant. Hopefully it was more of the former. Viggo wagged his tail slowly, trying to appear as friendly as possible. She seemed younger than he was, but not by much, and he smiled as he noticed the gleam of pride despite her apology.

"I'm rather new here too... I just got here a few days back. The night when the bottom dropped out and the rain came." He watched as she dropped the coat and kicked it aside, apparently irritated and annoyed by it. He chuckled at the silly gesture. As his laugh broke the silence, Viggo realized he had on no clothing, whereas she had on some. A feeling of nudity was new to him, and all wolves seemed to take it differently. He felt his checks blush, but thankfully the color was hidden both by the color of his fur and beneath the coat itself.

"I've been working on learning the land and the critters in it... there's some really odd deer and things around here that I've never seen before." He shut his maw, feeling like he was rambling. You sound utterly stupid. "Odd deer"...you're just a country bumpkin as far as she's concerned. Viggo cut his eyes away, momentarily feeling awkward. "What about you? How did you come to be here?"

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