A shadow amongst shadows
OOc: Jaden is wearing his Moon Blades, correct? XD

Drizzt felt his ears twitch as he heard the approach of what he believed to be another wolf. Remaining as he was, he sniffed the air, catching the scent of a lone male, who had no pack scent on him, which allowed the dark male to remain at ease. He calmly waited for the other wolf to either bypass him, or approach him. And soon enough, he was faced by his fellow loner. He opened his lavender eyes fully, meeting the pair of stormy blue eyes. He chuckled and grinned at the comment on his napping, while his eyes scanned the new comer. He noticed the weapons immediately, his eyes looking over the short bow with caution as his grin faltered. He could handle himself in close quarters, but he hated dealing with flying arrows. And those wrist blades...

Moving with a little stiffness, Drizzt brought himself to his feet, but leaned on the tree and left his sword belt on the branch. He looked into the dark strangers eyes again, hoping his people hadn't found a way to change the traditional crimson color. He grinned again and spoke up in a friendly tone. "Salutations to you as well, and yes it is, if I do say so myself." He crossed his arms and leaned his head back, looking up at the trees. "Those are beautiful blades you have there. Did you craft them?" He asked, indicating the males wrists with a motion of his hand. The craftsmanship awed Drizzt, who's love for blades drew him to such weapons as his father's scimitars.

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