hold your breath
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Baby. He felt himself shiver, touched by this simple word, the note of adoration in her voice. In that moment he felt his aloness slip away. He had his mother now. Phoenix was gone, but he had her. Something about being orphaned had always made him feel terrible, and now this possibility had been whisked away by her return. To his surprise, she said Firefly's name. It didn't register immediately, but as soon as it hit him, his jaw dropped. He had not expected that Iskata had found his twin. Actually found her; seen her alive and well.

He couldn't have described how relieved he felt. It was like a huge weight had been lifted from his chest; something he'd been carrying around for months. His other half wasn't gone after all - so he was whole. He grinned then, a warm and joyful smile.

Kansas wouldn't have refused when his father took Moon and him back to look for Icarus. The boy loved his brother, but it had nevertheless been a pointless quest. They hadn't found Icarus, and in the process of looking for him, Kansas's brother and father were lost. At times he felt awful about being the only one to escape. Why him, of all three of them? He shook his head. Iskata's apology caused his tail to wave slightly, and he replied in a serious but sincere way. "Don't be. I'm glad you did. I mean... You found Firefly. I'd been wishing she'd come back for so long. Can you... tell me about her? What is she like now?"


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