A crow's cry
Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

Liev. He's being awesome again v3v

In Character

As he went, he noticed the blue gaze from his new apprentice on his moves and movements as the Russian made his little show-off. The darker male than spoke, cutting him off between two moves. Purple eyes darted to the other for his full attention. Strenght is not his forte, eh? As if the older warriror didn't notice it.

"Yes, uchenik, I know. I noticed it during our... unfortunate encounter with J'adore that day. You used most of yourspeed to make a momentum big enough to conpensate your lack of strenght and add it to your hit. Or you would have, if you had actually succeeded on those moves." The other spoke, retaking his pose, one hand on his waist, the other hanging besides his body, the tip of the blade barely touching the ground. "But you won't need as mcuh strenght as you imagine. Nor use all your speed." He said solemnly, making a quick drawing on the ground in front of his feet before returning to the other, the same wicked smile on his face again. "All you need is the way of using your weapon, the skill. The technique. Win the technique, and you win the world." He put it out plainly. The Russian didn't win all those wars from his speed, stamina or strenght. No, those were all a consequence from his trainning. His trainnings to master the techniques.

"And that's all I'll teach you, malyutka. The technique. All that come from it, will be your profit. Nothing more." The Anzu spoke again, this time, handing the sword back to its owner, both hands open wide, supporting the sharp blade on them. He waited until the Dasa took the saber back and pointed to a thin tree not too far. It wasn't all that thick; about as thick as a regular luperci torso.

"I dare you to pierce through that tree." The Russian said, an empty face showing.

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