There is a difference between dreaming and pretend

Umm... You're not saying where Deuce is ^^;; is she right smack in the middle of packland, or near the borders, or...? ^^; I'mma leave it up to you to notice Umbra first, then Wink

Shaking his head, Umbra left the place where he'd met the black-furred would-be-wolf. This time, instead of continuing west like he'd intended, he turned southwards. After all, that one had been in the way. Unfortunately, he hadn't traveled far before he came across pack territory. He stood there for a few moments. Now what? Which way would he go now? West or south-east? He wasn't sure how far this territory reached, nor if he would run into her again if he headed west now. So, south-east it was. It seemed he'd have to wait some time before he'd be able to check up the west. If there even was anything there now. Maybe they'd only gathered there at first, and then spread out again?

He shook his head, clearing it of thoughts. No need to ponder about what might be. He'd find out sooner or later. For now, he'd just follow the path before his paws and see where it took him. And thus decided, he started following the border in a south-easterly direction. He wasn't about to trespass, that was certain. After all, he didn't really have any clue as to what kind of pack this was.

Coming upon a fairly fresh border mark, he paused and sniffed at it, hoping to be able to tell if they were real wolves or not. After all, he'd gained some familiarity with that odd tinge that to Umbra could only spell 'wrong' after running into how many was it now? Three? Possibly four; that wolf near the territory north of here had reminded him of Tawny, but Umbra wasn't certain if it was the un-wolfness that had been the same, or if there had been some other kind of connection between them. However, recognizing it in a present wolf (or freak) was one thing, but sensing it from a territory marking where the scent was not only from one person? Quite another, and Umbra couldn't tell for sure.

Maybe he should just get out of there as quickly as he could? Turn his tail on this pack and whoever belonged to it and go straight east? He wasn't sure, and so he slowly continued to follow the border.

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