I'll be the last to know your name
So lie to us and just say that there's never emotion in all that you give away

The girl’s lack of annoyance or repulsion with his words bothered him. He didn’t like the other members of Inferni taking so lightly to his position in the clan. He didn’t want recognition or subordination, but just peace and quiet. He thought he at least deserved it after what he’d done for the clan, but apparently not everyone agreed. Honestly, if he’d wanted to chat, wouldn’t that have been obvious? When someone said ‘leave me be,’ it was usually considered a very polite way of saying ‘fuck off, I don’t want to talk to you.’ Hybrid had thought it was obvious enough, but apparently he had underestimated this girl.

He moved to stand as she switched positions and laid down. She propped herself up on her elbows and rested her head on her hands while lying down on her stomach. Hybrid moved awkwardly, trying to avoid her and not step on her. He lingered for a moment, wondering if he should just leave or say something.

“I’m leaving,” he bit out. He didn’t know what else to say so he promptly moved to dodge around her feet and descend down the rock. “You’re annoying.” That was a good enough explanation, he assumed.


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