nec spe, nec metu
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He was surprised to hear Colibri's name, but it didn't show. There was no twitch of the tail or of a tattered ear; he didn't even blink. Just another ghost from the past, just another someone who came and went because they didn't really need him in the end. All he'd been was a figurehead. It took him a while to remember that there had been a second Colibri, the child of a child -- another leaf off the tangled branches of their family tree. None of them stuck around long; it was a wonder that he recalled at all. Colibri had been my adoptive mother, the hybrid told the girl (or, he supposed that she was a woman now) for no real reason. He hadn't thought about her for a long time. Not really a coincidence, he continued, Your family's everywhere. His family too, maybe, but he'd never thought so.

Laruku looked back at Cercelee and his expression changed at her latter words. A frown. A sad, little frown. I hope you don't remind anyone of me, he said quietly, because that was never a positive comparison. Anything he'd ever done, he'd done it wrong, and he hated the idea that anyone else would lead a life even remotely similar. It was why he could hardly stand to face his own misbegotten children. It was why it had always been so hard to pretend to take care of all of his cousins' children. Deep down, he had to wonder if somehow he had corrupted them all. Even now, maybe he was poisoning her by looking at her. Iskata is hard to get along with most of the time, he added, closing his eyes briefly, I guess that's just how she is.


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