Stardust n' Fireflies

Mew's den is in Wolfville so I sorta just powerplayed that that was where Iskata was heading, hope it's ok. Doubt Mew'd move far away from there, see.

She'd been up and walking around for the last few days, even though she probably shouldn't have. Her body seemed to handle it well though, and she couldn't help but feel restless just sitting inside the house. The weather this day carried with it a possibility of rain, and the femme did not want to risk it. Her infected shoulder was slowly coming along, but why expose it to the elements unnecessary? So, she had decided to sit inside today, sometimes poking her guitar with her nose wishing she was strong enough to shift and play it, sometimes staring out of the window. The view over the human city from the second floor of the house she had made her den was brilliant, even in cloudy weather. It was while enjoying this view she spotted a relative heading in her direction. Another aunt come to check on her? Perhaps. She felt rather overprotected sometimes, what with Colibri staying for a while after the birth, and Hanna checking up on her wounds prior to that. Haku had also been seen lurking around her place sometimes. But it was comforting in a way, she was still weak after all.

The ivory femme did not know what to think of the approaching female. She had never really had contact much with her family, particularly not outside of the litter and her mother. Her father she had not met, but she knew who it was. The femme approaching was his sister. Mostly, Mew was indifferent to her, neutral, though not in a rejecting way. She simply did not know her, nor what she wanted. It could be hard to find her though, standing there on the second floor, and thus she moved downstairs and outside to meet her. She might not know her, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious.


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