Where you could always find me

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 267

Sucky reply, sorry x.x

In Character

The lighter male chuckled slightly, for he was enjoying the others unpredictable and unique reactions. “I aim to please” he responded, a childish grin, full of mischief sat upon his face. Maybe I am over reacting; it’s not that bad socializing others and how different could I be if I regained my memories? For a moment he began to believe that he had made a mistake, for here he was speaking with another and enjoying himself.

“Hrmm, now that is a question I’d like to know the answer to myself” his response aimed towards both present company and himself; for he really would like to know if he was new to the lands or not. The others question just strengthened his belief that he shouldn’t be interacting with others until his memories returned; not only was he most likely not behaving as his true self, but new acquaintances asked questions in which he could not answer.

And yet, he’d still followed the female’s scent, giving into his curiosity; he had an inkling his curiosity and love of challenges had gotten him into a few rather ‘sticky’ situations before, but no further details returned. A sigh escaped him, before he could stop himself and then he realized that it may be wise to elaborate on his previous statement.

“Apparently, I was enough of a fool to fall into an oasis and nearly drown. Hit my head pretty hard and wiped my memory clean” he pointed at his head, trying to make light of the situation. “How about you? Do you come from near by?” he inquired in return.

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