I'm runnin after you

--I just realized these two have met once before. LOL She was pregnant with Dierdre and he was terrorizing her. LOL Though it don't surprise me that Deuce forgot. LOL--
She was just shading the duck's feathers when the plop of a stone landing in water made her jump. Her bi-colored gaze lifted, meeting the gaze of another shifter. Irritation was replaced by surprise at the open admiration in his gae. Her face felt warm under her unblemished fur as she arched an eyebrow in a manner that was almost flirtatious.

The pond was a small one, and it didn't take much above a normal voice to be heard. Hello there.... He looked vaugly familiar, like a memory of a dream. She tilted her head slightly, studying him. Nice face, lean muscualr body. Familiar...and not bad looking either. Not that she was out looking for 'fun.' Don't I know you? She let out a soft, musical laugh. not at him, but at herself.

She was still irriated at lucifer, though her drawing had left her langorous, relaxed. She stretched. Time had passed while she'd been idle. Life had gone by. Had the children missed her? Had anyone missed her, thought of her? No worries. The whiskey took the edge off her thoughts. She hadn't drunk much. Wasn't big on drinking like she used to be. Life was good to her here.

Life was good to everyone here.


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