The coward's way out

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 254

Do not ask. Even i do not understand his actions o.o

In Character

“I’m alllways~ willing to share with a preety dittle thing like you” the words were more sang than spoken to his companion, but contrary to his words, he pulled the flask back and downed another few gulps of it’s content, enjoying the feel of the liquid burn down his throat, washing away his sense even more.

All around him, his world sway and as he turned his head his vision lagged, throwing his balance off even more; his mind wandered away from the female, almost forgetting her existence until she spoke again. Amusement sparked within him as, even in the state he was in, it was clear that the female had taken offence.

“No night in shining armor? And ‘ere I taught all the pretty ladies had been taken from te world!!” a hint of malice lined his words, although the drunken male himself did not know why it was there… it just was and he accepted that. It was just one of many things he’d become accustomed to; unpredictable behaviour and emotions that filled right and yet he himself did not possess the memories to explain them.

“But of course, the lady would want to know my name, hmm?” he giggled like a young girl and then threw his head back and let out a full on throaty laugh. Slowly, he looked into the others eyes, his nonsense continuing. “You know what. I’m. Not. Going. To. Tell. You~” he sang the words, stretching them out and exaggerating on the pronunciation of each word.

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