Set Fire To The Face On Fire
She watched as the new version of Haku seemed to emerge before her, afraid of everything around him, except her. She knew she shouldn't use that to her advantage, but she had to know, she had to find out what had really happened. The lady of silver and gold seemed to be playing a part now, she was concerned for the male before her, something was seriously not right inside him, but she was afraid for herself too. If she played the part wrong she could be in serious trouble and no one knew where she was.

When the words emerged from his maw she shushed him, trying to ease away the overflow of emotion that was breaking through the boy's defenses. Her words were soft when she asked her questions and gentle and soothing when she tried to comfort him. "Which one of your sisters was attack.. why?" she asked as she watched the changes occurring in the boy. She swallowed the fear that was trying to bubble up as he admitted that the two were dead, but going on to say he hadn't killed the one responsible when obviously he'd had the chance to. "Why did you go looking for her attacker?" She kneed her brows together in worry as he tried to plea, begging for believe that he hadn't do it.

When he moved towards her in such a sad pathetic way she felt the fear nearly overwhelm her as she realized she couldn't turn and run. She was too afraid to try, and she wasn't sure what he would do if she did. He scooted right up under her chest, seeming to make himself so small, like an innocent little pup just begging for comfort from the night. She knew her muscles were quivering but she raised her foreleg and brought her paw to rest on his shoulder as she cooed softly in his ear, trying to keep her voice steady, "It's okay baby, we'll straighten this all out.." over and over she cooed, trying to convince herself more than him anymore, all the while her silky cream and silver underbelly growing bright with the sticky transfer of blood that had yet to dry completely. She wondered just what she'd got herself into this time, knowing nothing good was going to come out of this.

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