Set Fire To The Face On Fire
OOC-I'd figure after she gets him to sleep or something she'd leave to go see what happened in Inferni, when returns he's gone?


Iskata held steady as the younger male tried to crawl underneath her, trying to snuggle up close like her own puppies had done when they were small, but he was no puppy. Something inside him seemed to hold onto the grasp that he was small ,that he was innocent and he needed protected. She wasn't sure what had started this but she knew nothing good could come from it. She shivered against the breeze that whipped across the beach, bowing her head low over his own as she tried to give him some comfort, wishing she had someone to comfort her in this new nightmare she'd fallen into.

She heard his small voice breaking up as he spoke once more, she moved closer to try and catch each words as she began to understand what had happened. Mew had been carrying when she'd obviously been attacked, losing the puppies soon after. She frowned and wondered if this tragedy had caused the ugly scene that Haku had left behind in his wake. "I'm sorry hon', so sorry.. She'll pull through though?.." She hoped for the lot of them at nothing besides the loss of pups had happened to Mew resulting from the fight. She shook her head as she looked over Haku's shoulder towards the distant shore where Inferni lay.

The quiet sad voice below her whimpered as she sat there staring off in the distance, when she realized what it was he was saying she bowed her head low again and cooed softly in his ear, "Let's get you cleaned up baby, then you can sleep.. everything will be better after a nap.." She hoped that everything would be better, though she was also worried being so close to Inferni's lands that they would follow him along the beach. She wanted to get him into the forest and clean him up, atleast then it'd be harder for them to know who he was if they already did. She shivered as she tried to understand what she'd got into now.

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