how we gonna pay
The four legged male looked from his dazed state of mind hearing the voice, his head snapped towards the voice, as he took a step back stunned a bit, other wasn't sure if this was something that Colibri, or Deuce had sent after him, to have him killed for sleeping around, he couldn't help it, he just wanted the female in the lands to be happy, and the older one where wiser, and they knew how it was to have a broken heart so he would have to do his duty as a male to make them happy.

The male dipped his maw only for a second, out here, he was nothing, out here the pack would not hear his call if he was being attack, though would they want him in the pack if he wasn't about to be faithful to the one female that was in his life. He blue eyes scanned the as he tried to get an idea of this male, there was none, he smelt like the lands, that meant he was a loner, Lucifer offered up a humble smile. Thankful that Noah was back at the den with his mother and brother.

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