nec spe, nec metu

Cercelee flicked her ears, not in irritation but as a habit. Colibri isn’t my family though. It was true enough, they did not share blood. Coli had been the grandchild of Cer’s uncle, Lisichka, Colibri his mate. Cer barely recognized relatives by blood, and rarely admitted that she was related to any of them, she was not willing to extend the already too large family. Besides, Laruku had said that her family was everywhere, but they were his too. Most of them. Cercelee wouldn’t argue it though, as she wouldn’t argue that they weren’t her family. The young wolf was not up for arguments today, not with Laruku. I didn’t know that she was your mother though, more coincidences I guess. Although Laruku had corrected her once that they were not coincidences, they were to her. In her world they were all strangers, and the fact that they were intertwined was weird to her.

The rosea couldn’t help but smile at his comment, no matter how sadly he had said it. No matter how much he had meant it. I don’t mind that I remind Iskata of you though. I may not know you well, but I know you enough to know you’re not the worse person I could take after. Besides, out of everyone who took me in when I was younger, I think I’d rather be like you than the rest of them. They all had their good sides, but they all had their flaws as well. It was just a matter of whose flaws stuck out least to Cer, and Laruku had done the best job at hiding them from her. Adrastos was a coward, Haku was certifiably insane. Laruku might be both those too, but Cer never saw it, and she would take being empty and sad over the other two. Yet she knew she wasn’t really Laruku, she wasn’t empty. And she wasn’t sad. She wasn’t wandering. She was just herself, but who saw that but her? Who would look at her and not place a relative name to her appearance, to her personality? I don’t think she meant it though. I think from what her and I spoke about, Iskata just cares too much, and she wants us to care as well. And we don’t. About family. Cer almost added that, but she didn’t think she had to.


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