Friends and maple trees
Hi ^_^ Saxif is in lupus form
WC: 276

Saxif had been drawn to this forest by the smell. That sweet scent, a new scent of many she had discovered over her month of journey and solitude. She had been growing weary from the lack of interaction. As much as she adored the hunt of small animals and the tracking of large game. It hadn’t kept her as happy as she thought she would be. She carefully picked out a fallen log she sat hoping there was no sap on this one. She had gotten a small amount on the pad of her foot earlier in the day and hated trying to get it off. It was disgusting to lick and everything stuck to it. She settled on the log and took a short nap.

She was awoken when the sounds of a voice expressing their disgust hollered. Saxif pulls her snout from her warm belly and looks over her back. In the distance she notices a lupreci picking up something. She tilted her head to the side curious of this chestnut coloured female. Saxif watched silently as the other lupreci’s expression changed at the sight of one of the objects. The yellowish cream wolf was unfamiliar with the objects that seemed so important to her. She carefully stepped off the log and moved quietly toward the female. She stopped at the sudden startled expression of the chestnut lupreci.

Saxif sat on her rump crunching leaves to announce her presence. Her tail wagged gently and she tilted her head in show of her curiosity. Her golden eyes beamed with excitement as she spoke to someone for the first time in days or maybe weeks. Hi.

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