[P] Get Me Out of Here

Word Count » 342

my road to hell is surely paved

Eris had never taken a notice to many coat colors, though since she had come to Anathema, the dark pattern seemed to be prevalent -- there were, of course, obvious outliers such as golden-yellow Tlantli and pale Naniko, but the coyote had seen many dark-hued wolves, as well. This male was no exception, and though there was no obvious kinship of coloration to the hybrid, the woman did find herself smiling as she approached a bit closer, the tip of her tail wavering in friendless. Though more of a stoic type, Eris never saw the need for outright nastiness when first meeting a canine. Sometimes the blood seemed to call to her, those rare moments of near-shadow over her mind, when everything but the vision that was not seen with the eyes seemed to dim to meaninglessness. Beyond that, she really was quite amiable and approachable. She was a smiling murderer, indifferent to the fate of those deemed worthy enough to serve her purposes.

“Hi there,” she said, tilting her head to the side as she got closer. His eyes were different colors -- she had seen this before, once or twice -- most recently, Axelle came to mind, but she had been rather oddly colored to begin with. Odd did not necessitate ugly, however, and the hybrid hadn't found the bi-colored woman to be displeasing to the eye, nor did she find this wolf's difference in eye color displeasing. Appearance mattered little in the grand scheme anyway; as a canine sometimes found relatively attractive by others, Eris vastly underplayed the importance of appearance. Vain as she was regarding her own appearance, however, she was not discriminating or arrogant where it was concerned. Personality and intelligence meant more to her than that.

“Eris Eternity, of Anathema. For now,” she said, the grin on her face turning to mischievousness, a mask of near-playfulness fit for a callithump. “Heading there now?” she inquired quickly, lifting a brow in genuine curiosity as she jerked a thumb behind her to indicate the pack somewhere behind her.

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