Familiar ground in foreign soil
WC: 333 Hunting preferably, Saxif is inexperienced so the lowest rank is good ^_^

Saxif had sat quietly as her tail swept back and forth through the grass. She had been wondering in those short moments; who might approach her? Would they be friendly? She didn’t have to wait long before she heard the noise of an approaching creature. She felt the instinct kick in, she was on the edge of pack territory and was about to meet one of many. Her body reacted like she had hoped. Her head lowered in a respective bow, her tail relaxed between her legs and her front paws moved forward as to keep her shoulders low.

The noise of the approach seemed odd, one she had not heard before. One ear lifted to study the noise. Then she saw them, a large chestnut beast that resembled a long faced doe. It had hair similar to her fur colour draped over its back. She startled and tensed momentarily. She returned to her position immediately when she saw the tricoloured lupreci atop the beast. She looked over the female as she had spoken to her. Saxif felt slightly admirable toward the woman called Liliana. She sat so tall upon the beast. She looked proud and beautiful; she only hoped she would be as pretty as she grew older.

Saxif realized she had been staring and hadn’t responded to the question. She had nearly forgotten the question but answered before she had. Pleasure to meet you Liliana Utina, I am Saxif Goldenfeather. I have travelled a long distance and felt drawn to your borders. I humbly request the opportunity to join your pack if you so choose to accept me. She was unsure if this was the leader but had addressed her as though she were. She would take no chances. She awaited her response holding her submissive stance. It seemed foreign to her but it felt right. The presence of this particular lupreci though gave her a sense of calm, the fear of death had seemed to vanish. Was she finally home?

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