Defy the laws of physics..
-Sorry for delayed trying to get this up. T^T It is up now so this might be a fun thread ;D-

Angel had heard the warnings of not traveling alone and wished not to do it but to gather supplies for some of her first aid, some of the supplies required her to gather them at night. Though she couldn't smell the attacker about her or any changes in the air Angel felt that perhaps if she was quick that the woman would not be found. Angel had heard at about how he had been raping the local women of her pack and honestly she wanted to rip the head off the man but if he proved to be as strong as she was warned then it was perhaps best not to fight him, though she was taking a serious risk by walking out alone.

Once Angel had reached the area that was out in the open she watched it carefully. There was no movement and even the wind was still. Tonight was an eerie night then and signified of unknown dangers that would possibly occur but for the injured she was caring for she needed these supplies. The numbweed plants were best picked at night when the pollen on their leaves was mostly gone from the days winds cleaning their leaves. At night the leaves were moist and held their juices better when canned. After stepping out into the open one step she felt nothing change within the area and figured it was possibly safe if she just kept going and thus she did. Angel had no idea who might be watching however.

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