in the crossfire
5 minute reply woohoo


She was growing uneasy as she stood on the edge of the clan lands, the scent of blood was all around her but she was startled when she discovered that it wasn't the same scent that clung to her and to the scene she'd arrived upon. She raised her head to track the scent as she moved away from the edge. The soft sounds of movement drew her away from where she was standing as she heard the rustle of something in the bushes. She feared for the worse what she would find but she crept towards the spot still.

She must have been a sight to the coyote who lay bruised and beaten in the bushes, still covered in the blood of the child and mother that her nephew had killed. She gasped as she moved forward slightly, unsure of what to do. She swollowed as she realized that she should have cleaned herself up when she'd instructed her unstable nephew to do just that. She lowered her head as she moved closer to the female, "Oh my god.." she gasped as she caught the scent of her nephew. His scent was all over the female before her, stale, unlike his scent that clung to her, fresh and full of fear from the snap to his real self.

She moved beside the female, slightly shaking her shoulder as she stood over her to see if she was still alive. She sighed with relief as she saw the light rise and fall of her chest. She didn't know what to do, she knew standing on these lands was bad enough for her covered in the blood of the victims and standing over the helpless female before her but she couldn't leave her to die.

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