shredded to ribbons.
Zaine jumped down from the bottom branch of the tree that he had been sitting in,he had been woken up by a strange sound, he had been looking for his mother the past 9 days but it felt a lot longer to him. If it hadn't of been for the Voles mice and rats, he would have died. He went towards the water for a drink, when he finished he decided to explore a little bit, when Zaine was walking along he saw that a part of the black water was playing it was throwing up white stuff. He walked towards and came to an edge,Zaine noticed that he was quite high up and ran back in fear,he thought that he would fall and if he did the water would swallow him and he would join the ever sleepers. So he ran back to the trees to find a way further down,as he walked down the snake he remembered his mum running it was great fun then the evil stick came and made her an ever sleeper. As he remembered this he saw a black animal siting alone it was the perfect plaything so he ran at it.

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