Familiar ground in foreign soil
WC: 242 Nice to meet you Smile
As Saxif awaited the lupreci’s response, the pit of her stomach grew tense. It seemed like minutes before a word was uttered, but it had only been seconds. She had startled lightly at the new voice behind Liliana. Her head turned and before her stood a tall slender male supported by cane. His mane was decorated quite beautifully. As she had laid her eyes upon him she knew immediately who this man was before he announced he was Chief. His posture and expression reminded her greatly of her father’s.

She reacted as though she were in her father’s presence. She crossed her paws and curtsied, her posture had been quite formal. She kept her head low as she responded to the great red wolf. Honourable Chief of AniWaya I offer my desire to hunt and provide for my people. Since I was a small pup I have dreamt of nothing else but the hunt. It was why I left my home. So I may have the opportunity to learn. I hope to learn all your teachers have to offer and give back with hearty meals and labour. Her soft young voice had been filled with such a humble pride it seemed to surprise her. Her eyes rose to the snout of the Chief and watched his reaction toward her words. She couldn’t help but to feel in awe of his presence, aged and injured but still he looked so powerful to her.

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