As Alae changed in to her other form, Star took quick notice ad was surprised that wolves could even transform in to another form. Star was never the type to judge other beings, she loved all living creatures. So she look at Alae and pointed with her nose into the direction that they need to go. Then started to walk toward the track. When they finally reached the track about five minutes later. Star then look at Alae and told her that very few if none knew about herself.

"Before we start the run you mentioned my father naming me for the reason to lead. I dont know if i have told you but i believe that myself. I always try to keep my mother and father in my mind to keep me going, because they died a little after my birth, by other wolves. The wolves left me and my siblings alone but i was the smallest and all my other siblings left with out me."

Star then look around to take some breaths as well as to soak in the nature around her. It looked like it was going to rain but no weather to this day has been able to stop her from running, and most likely no weather would ever ether.

She looked back at Alae" Its going to be nice out for a little, but it looks like its going to rain hard soon. If your up for it would could run this whole track. Although it would most likely going to rain just a little in."

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