in other words, anarchy
[html]OCC: its cool have you seen the wait for my posts? I need my butt kicking D: Euphoria is just testing the water if you know what i mean, she wants to see if your character can really really give it some Smile

This woman had underestimated her, perhaps. However her opinion of her abilities mattered little to the woman, for hundreds of hours practice had all fuelled the burning ambition to perfect the warrior she knew she was so close to becoming. Vigorous training against hard opponents had taught the girl wisely tactics in this dance, and it was just touching the tip of the ice berg to say she had studied and perfected these movements precisely. She smirked at the woman with the slight hit that had sent her towards the floor – but was proved slightly impressed with her quick recovery. Mischievously she sought to taunt the woman into a better game, wind her up to heat up the fire. "I missed this" she spoke, before lunging towards her.

The move was an obvious one due to the fact their two bodies had been within pushing distance and the girl saw it as a cheap, lazy aim. ”Show me how much you missed it then” she taunted in a sharp low tone almost barking towards the other canine, before she casually side stepped a dodge away from the leaping coyote. You could tell the woman was a little rusty, if you could call it that – however she deemed it as an unfair judgement against her as fighting may not have been her specialised field.
Her opponent’s next attack was better, and she seemed to have loosened up more – however the foot had only just knocked the woman’s shoulder before her hands had reached around the others ankle. She tugged the joint in a test of the woman’s balance, before twisting the calf joint that would hopefully turn the golden canine around and down to taste the floor.


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