staring at the wayside

Sorry you have to put up with my continuous delays, luff.

Savina's words of self-blame continued, and Ehno knew there would be little that he could say to make her feel otherwise. Parenthood came with a responsibility that did not fade with time, one that made any little ill touch of fate visited upon the children fall squarely onto the parent's shoulders. The male himself had gotten a taste of that feeling upon learning of the twisted beast his son had become, blaming himself for not being there for the boy to raise him right, steering him clear of the darkness. He understood. So instead of offering more rebuttals that he knew would go unaccepted, he offered his sibling silent support. He leaned in against her and nuzzled her again briefly, letting his actions speak where his words could not.

As she spoke of the murderer, she revealed something that took Ehno by surprise. "Another?" He lifted his head, eyes narrowing in confusion. What else had the vile woman done? Which of his nieces and nephews had she attempted to get her paws on after dirtying them with the blood of the young boy? Dark thoughts seeped their way into his mind, trying to provoke him into playing out numerous possible scenarios in his head. Thankfully, Savina's phrasing revealed that whichever child it had been was alright, but the Marino man found himself holding his breath in anticipation nonetheless. It seemed that the murderous fiend's poison had seeped its way further into their family than Ehno had initially imagined.


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