Wishing to Rebuild
OOC: been meaning to reply to this for ages, sorry.

He and Faith often wandered far and wide together in search of new pastures or any relics of human's past, the chocolate and earth man found the human's past very interesting and wished he could have been around when they died and the Luperci created so he could study their ways and learn more about them. Sometimes he found their books that had been left around and then he indulged himself learning of their culture. León had deduced that the Luperci were not that much different from early man in a way, early humans had hunted and lived with nature before they had become very advanced. Like all species they had to change when the world did or face extinction and it was from this that the humans had truly shone. Back in Santander, some of their huge buildings still remained standing, tall and proud.

Faith harrumphed and brought him back to the present, the mare stopped at a small stream to have a drink, carrying him around was no small feat and he chuckled as he patted her broad black neck. The female was not built for the forest, not really, but she went about it as best she could. If the pair were lucky then sometimes within the depths of forest and the like there were patches of plains and grassland where the improved Clydesdale could let loose and run. Water splashed up her sides and wetted his legs and feet as she now moved through the shallow stream to reach the grass at its other side. With a sharp dig of his heels and a clicking of his tongue the mare set off once again, this time at a fast trot through the forest and lands of AniWaya tossing her head high and gaily.

The trip back to the stables did not take long and León was surprised to see a female who was not one of the Elan messing about with the foundations and woodwork of the stables. Faith let out a loud whinny giving away their presence as they closed in, he could see she had been working on it for quite a few hours. León swung his legs from Faith's back and grabbed hold of her reigns so she did not wander off, not that she would in the first place but he was always cautious.

"Hola, hola, Senorita. Can I be of any assistance?"

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