First Time for Everything

OOC here: Table & Coding © Vannah; I was half through this reply when my puter died and had to go out and get a new tower and keyboard and mouse and all. But James has this covered so I'll pull Ouija out with this post; 362 words

The female that he was interviewing had become distracted and he wasn't certain just what had caused it. At least not until he turned his head and caught sight of his aunt. He gave a slight nod of his head in her direction before focusing on the potential member once more. After all he had asked a question and they both seemed to be waiting for an answer. Or so it seemed since his aunt was remaining silent for the moment. Then again the answer that was given to the question would probably be used to measure whether or not she would make herself an asset or not. Then again, even if a home was given she still had to prove herself. It was what they all did. It was what he was doing.

She answered his questions and he gave a nod of his head to show that he was listening and that he had heard just what she had said. He wasn't sure what to say in return to that since he didn't deal wit the ranks but that is why he was lucky that his aunt was there to overhear and oversee it all. He allowed the focus to slip away from him and let his aunt take over. After all she had every right to since she was the leader and he was currently nothing but a low ranked member. He was working his way out of that though.

When the ritual was brought up he realized that the other was going to be accepted should Payana decide to go through with it. It also notified him that he was no longer needed around. His aunt had a handle on things here and so he could be on his way. "I'm going to go check up on Addi and see how she is doing." He spoke the words quietly to Nani, excusing himself that way. "It was a pleasure to meet you Payana. I'll see you around sometime." He gave the two females a quick wave before heading further into the pack's lands, making his way towards the cave system so see if Addison was there or not.


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