New Shore
[html]WC: 234 Yay a response thank you!
She stood for a while enjoying the brisk breeze, that ruffled her long mane. Her thoughts a focused calm sea of self accomplishment. Then there was an odd smell in the air. Her nose began to wriggle as she was about to search for the source. Before she could though a loud noise erupted from behind her. She twisted quickly in fright. She had meant to go into a fierce protective stance but failed as one of her feet slipped and rose quite high, narrowly missing the pale thing behind her. With a yelp and splash she was in the shallow cold water. She growled in her throat a moment, not amused by being suddenly wet. She looked up at the wolf that had frightened her. She couldn't help but to feel annoyed.

You scared me half toward death. She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a huff of breath and looked away from the white wolf. She thought Her first meeting of someone new and he had to be a prankster. She realized though after a moment how funny she must look. She herself would have taken an opportunity such as this wolf had. And it had been her own fault for being so unaware. She suddenly started to chuckle lightly. Boy I can't believe you got me to fall on my butt. Her tongue lolled out. What's your name?

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