Scout me a meal [DND]

WC: 351

There had been a soft peaceful response to her questioning whine. She laid her golden gaze upon a young blonde wolf who had come from the pack land. The pale blonde secui stepped back a moment almost startled at the sight because she mistook her for the sister. The sister she had gleefully left in the tundra of her homeland to take a reign that should have been her own. Along with the only friend Saxif ever considered her true love, now her sister’s future mate. It made her blood boil at the thought of either of them. Her heart pounded with a slight fright and an emotional anger deep within her. The thought of her sister following her here though had been confusing. They had been rivals not the common best friends between their peers. Does she really love me that much? She shook her long thick mane, thinking it couldn’t be her.

Then her senses had come to at that thought. This young kind wolf was not her sister. The green eyes that shone in the afternoon light were a clear indication she had been mistaken. Her heart slowed and she felt foolish for a moment. Daydreaming alone and seeing her sister in this obviously different breed of lupus. She felt as though she needed to refocus herself. She finally responded in what must have been an uncomfortable silence.

“Forgive me; I seem to have lost manners. I am Saxif Goldenfeather one of the Tsisdu Kanati of our tribe.” She smiled a soft canine grin. “I’m new.” She approached the lupus as she spoke. She shed whatever emotions that must have been portrayed upon her face. Saxif replaced it with her regal posture and friendly expression she was so commonly seen with. She lifted a paw but remembered she wasn’t in Optime form so set it down again. Again she felt silly and chuckled at herself, feeling embarrassed. Saxif had been embarrassed by the odd reaction to the slightly younger one’s presence; along with her momentary forgetfulness. She hoped she hadn’t ruined her chances at a new friendship.


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