
Word Count » 376 :: Janos appears with his :| face.... :3

Dark, tattered paws tread lightly across the lands he now called home and yet he was so unfamiliar with them. Each scent, sight and sound was something new and brought a sense of belonging with it, a comforting feeling in which was only a small bud, but it was growing each passing second he spent within the new pack lands. Now that the pack was formed; finally together as a family, he had been moving around all day with the aim to familiarise himself with as much of the territory within the border as he could.

Although he had adjusted to solitude long ago, it unnerved him slightly to be away from Bastion as often as he had been these past few weeks. Even with the knowledge that the small one was more than capable of looking after himself, the torture marked Arbiter found himself constantly casting his mind to thoughts of the small one, images of trouble and death, where he was not around to save Bastion. Yet he forced himself away; for there was much to learn and do now that a new pack was formed, but with each step further away from the small one, he found himself constantly reminding himself that Bastion was safe, even if the he was not directly by his side.

As his mind drifted into the cloud of worry once more, he found himself emerging upon the scene of a hunt. Dead, ice cold eyes stared out and observed the scene before him, his face that of it’s usual bleak expression. The child huntress was impressive in her work and would no doubt grow up to be a force to be reckoned with if she choose such a path. Moving forward, allowing himself to move in a noisy manner in which was unnatural to him, but he did not want to frighten the child and so he hoped that she would note his presence now if she hadn’t already.

“You hunt well, young huntress” the voice was low and as dead as his eyes, the ability to express emotions had long ago been beaten out of him; leaving behind only a shell of the man he once was, a weapon to be used, a slave to his master.

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