[M] haruspex

Table & Coding © Hickey; Is Bastion getting marked in this thread or saving it for another? Or could combine for the point on the culture thing with +2 people; 722 words


The female might be small but he was smaller yet. He had maxed himself out before he had even reached maturity. But that was the curse of a runt. He had to force respect through some adverse means. And of course once he had it he would not lose it. He would do whatever it took in order to keep it. He would not be that ignored runt that he had started out as. Oh no, he had nothing against forcing others to pay attention to him. Of course he delighted in it. Delighted in being underestimated because of his size. Not to mention he had his own giant to bend to his will. What he lacked himself he could externally make up for through his puppy. Janos did whatever he wanted with only small cues. It was an odd relationship no doubt. One that couldn't be explained. Not even the exact formation was a thing to be commented on. He had simply found Janos and made him his own. Who knew if Janos only felt sorry for him and stuck by him because he seemed to be lacking in capability, as everyone seemed to think of him at first.

He had left his puppy behind in order to do a bit of solo searching. Just as his puppy was free to leave him as well. Just so long his puppy returned to him at night. That was what mattered the most to him. The boy was something of an enigma. He took a perverse pleasure and enjoyment in the slow torture and kill of another but still enjoyed being held and having his puppy to cuddle up to. It was like two contrasting natures settled into a single body. But was it really that strange when it was his torturing that earned him the attention that he had been deprived of throughout his puphood? So what if it was negative attention? It still had others noticing him and forcing them to respect him. That was all that he had ever really wanted. And now that he had it, knew the secret of obtaining it, he wasn't about to give it up now.

It was the scent of blood that ended up attracting his attention and had him wandering on over. But once he got to the place where it was the strongest there was nothing to be found. He whined loudly and followed after the new trail that led away from the spot. He ended up spotting another of Salsola. He hadn't given her much thought at the meeting. But that was because she hadn't been placed up with the leadership. Because of that he had no reason to bow down to her. No, he was stuck on his own self importance. He firmly believed that what he wanted should happen, just like any spoiled child. But that was what the taste of power did to someone that had grown up neglected.

He followed after the female before taking quick steps to place himself at her side. He reached to try and take her hand like a child would do with an adult that they were walking with. He tilted his head to look up at the slightly taller female. It was only by a couple of inches, so the difference was slight. It wasn't like it was when he was around others, especially Janos. The size difference could clearly be told around them. But since he was at right about the same height as the female he made to try and lay his head against her shoulder, trying to look quite cute. "Mine?" He questioned, sounding hopeful. He aimed to tilt his head a slight bit more in order to try to lick at her brow where there was the scent and slight traces of blood. He was like an addict when it came to blood. He even had withdrawals when he wasn't allowed to have it. Bloody meat just wouldn't work. He didn't have the same effect. No, he preferred to lap it up and drink it versus suckling on some piece of muscle to get at just what he wanted. Of course he eats the meat as well since one can't survive on blood alone. But if it were possible he would certainly be the one doing it.


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