Set Fire To The Face On Fire
Yes Mew would be all right, she always was all right, she was his sister after all. Things happened with other families, but not with his, it was just how life was. The child’s mind could not completely grasp the cruelty of the real world. As long as he was here, and a family member was so close, everything was all right. The dark could not get to him as long as he was under Iskata’s protection. She spoke softly, and Haku nodded, baby blue eyes filled with water. He wanted to get rid of the foul smell on his fur. He backed out of her lovely embrace, and looked up at her, making himself as small as he could, ears still flattened and the tail between his legs and his eyes looking up at her. He nodded to her.

The headache was still there, and he was so unhappy, and he grimaced slightly and blinked confusedly. Why did it hurt, he had not hit his head as far as he could remember. A metallic taste was noticed on the back of his tongue, and he suddenly lowered his face to the ground and coughed hard, drops of his own blood mixing together with the soft sand. He was not hurt, he did not understand it. The child had a slight idea of what had caused it, and it struck him with fear. He attached himself to Iskata’s body, sticking close to her side, as a little child on an unknown place following its mother. ”What if the boogey man comes back when I sleep?” He couldn’t control his voice, so it cracked up into a childish cry in the end. He was afraid of the monsters.


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