in the crossfire
Iskata sat back while the woman rambled on in her hysterics. She knew the lady was right, but she didn't want to admit it. To know that her own flesh and blood was capable of doing the things he'd done was enough, but to know that he hadn't done it in his right mind was tearing her to pieces. She knew he would need to be dealt with, but she wasn't for sure how in the hell to go about everything. She raised her eyes to meet the female before her as she sighed. "I know.. I know.." she shook her head sadly as she acknowledged the truth.

The girls ramblings seemed to go on and on before she finally just screamed at the wolf. Iskata turned her gaze away from the coyote before her as she answered, "Probably exactly what one of your own clan mates did to me once.." her voice was stone cold as she spoke, the words bitter and angry. She knew exactly what the older woman before her was going through and she hated to admit it. She didn't want to remember what it had been like, but she wasn't so coldhearted that she was going to walk away and leave the woman with the last words she'd spoken.

Iskata finally gave up and gave in. She reached out to the female who looked so utterly lost in herself. The silver and gold female wrapped her arms around the other after trying to wipe the tears from her face. "I won't tell you it will be ok.. because it won't. Slowly, day by day the pain will ease.. but you can't forget it at all, it's impossible." She knew she had probably gone too far even showing that she cared, wrapping her arms around a creature she knew probably hated her guts, but she didn't care. A few scratches and bruises she could deal with, what had happened to the coyote before her was not so easily forgiven.

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