there's no oxygen again

ooc;; guess its just us two then- imma ignore Delilah's post!

Saul Stormbringer

Green eyes were beginning to water as dust particals gathered in the unblinking expanse. He didnt want to blink them away and lose the deer he had been tracking for the better part of his day. Tail swished softly back and forward whilst saliva threatened to spill over onto the floor. He was hungry, that much was pretty obvious. But he also knew he couldnt bring one of these deer down on his own. Even if only one of the other Dahlians came and joined him he knew that they could both work together and bring it down. Strategical mind moved through the trees, twisting this way and that in the effortless flight of imagination. The bloodlust threatened to tinge his green gaze as his imagination told him to bite down on the imaginary juglar. It would be so easy. If he wasnt on his own. Tawny pelt ruffled softly in the late evening breeze and he turned at th sounds of an approaching figure.

Saul couldnt help the answering grin that graced his muzzle as the tawny female approached. She was in her Secui form and Saul wondered if she'd been far away when she'd heard the summons. Still, she was here now and as she approached Saul cast a glance around for her companion. He thought he saw a flash of reflective eyes in the trees but he wasnt sure and left it. Cinnamon backed ears flashed forward at the irish womans words and the male gave a soft, quiet chuckle. Her play on words was amusing, especially since no-one had ever said anything like that before. Tail swished once behind him as he turned quielty back to the deer. It was beginning to wander, he could see from here,

"See the one down there, just beginning to wander away? We'll go for that one. Since it's just us, we'll have to ambush it. Normally I would have two or three wolves drive it into a bottleneck of two other wolves. But since its just us we'll have to modify it a bit. If you curve round it its left side and howl into the leaves to spook it into running, I'll hide in the thicket not far away. Once it breaks through the thicket it should be easy for you to come behind and grasp its hamstring while I go for the throat. Does that make sense?"

He asked, speaking constantly as his mind supplied him with images. It should work as long as the deer went the way Alae wished it to go. Green eyes sought the owl once more before he rolled his shoulders, waiting for the womans take on this.

word count;;


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