in other words, anarchy

To give the savannah shaded coyote a chance she let go of her grip on the others calf, allowing an ever so slightly less biased game. If this woman was seeking hand to hand combat, then she would thoroughly receive it at that and the woman drew back swiftly, poised. The girl had already started to emit her fury towards her opponent before the other’s uppercut and snarled towards her with the tone of some wretched beast that wanted to escape from behind her caged fangs. Her left fist aimed for the uppercut with impeccable timing, with good intentions of busting some knuckles.

Her right palm however sought to stop the others opposing punch and fist met palm at some force, and a wave rippled like some kinetic energy travelling up her arm and leaving the darkly shaded bristles of her fur standing on end. Euphoria then tactically withdrew out of the checkmated position and back flipped quickly a couple of paces in the northern direction of her opponent, however her feet might have met the others face at some force during this delicate show of kung fu. She swung her leg around to perhaps meet the others ankle once more from her crouched landing position before rising and building a strong uppercut with her right arm from the purposely built up momentum she had conjured.


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