M - Knight in shining armour
Saluce was firmly in seduction mode, even though it seemed he didn’t have to work too hard. The female in front of him was plainly smitten with him. He hadn’t even asked where she was from yet and here he was initiating contact, and wanting to take her in his powerful arms. But he played it cool, this little lady deserved a bit more effort from him. The behemoth smiled in reaction to her remark, letting his hand rub her cheek with affectionate strokes. With a practiced charm he leaned in and touched noses with her, before giving her a quick kiss across her lovely little maw.

“Then they are fools to not see what is in front of them,” she was beautiful and that was that. She didn’t have to carry predominate wolf traits to evoke a response from his groin. So they were fools, all of them to not see what was before them. On the other hand he wasn’t exactly looking for mate material though. His other hand snaked around her waist, claws running along her fur tracing lines along the skin underneath, as he gave his catch a playful lick across her nose. It had been awhile for him, and he wanted to shake loose his armor, shift and shake loose the bonds of civilization and have a playful romp with her.

“You make me want to take this armor off, shift to all fours and run wild in these woods,” it wasn’t the most charming remark but sometimes he wasn’t as smooth as he wanted to be. This comment though was to gauge her own desires, and it was fitting for one named Desiree.

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