There is a difference between dreaming and pretend

"No, I don't know anyone in your..." Umbra began to explain, before the two-legger continued and threw him off track. He blinked once more. Invite him onto her lands? Paranoia rose in him; perhaps she was just looking to lure him away from neutral ground so she could trap him in a position where he'd broken their rules, and then kill him? On the other hand, he could see it as reconnaissance: Find out more about the freaks and how they live. Know thy enemy, wasn't that what they said? Still, he couldn't say it didn't make him uneasy.

"A tour of your lands?" he repeated, perhaps to stall for time. "I must say that would be the first time anyone has offered me that." And what was he supposed to do now? Would he accept, or politely decline? "I thank you, and I'd be happy to accept your invitation." He was actually somewhat surprised by that answer. With just a few words, he had possibly doomed himself. If nothing else, he was now obliged to keep up his pretense of at least curiosity, if not appreciation of their lifestyle and physiology. Oh yes, he was in deep shit, he was. But perhaps, if he studied them aright, the knowledge would help him later on.

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