Set Fire To The Face On Fire
She felt the nervousness building inside her as she realized that she could probably tell the child anything and he would trust her without a second though. She watched as he agreed wholeheartedly that Mew would be okay, she hoped for their own good that the assumption was correct, as much as he cared about his sister if anything went wrong again she was sure they'd all pay the second time. Haku pulled away from her and seemed to shrink into himself, so helpless and broken, she wasn't sure what she was going to do with the boy, she couldn't watch over him all the time, he wasn't even her responsibility either.

She shook her head as the cream and chocolate boy seemed to stick to her side like a burr. He almost seemed underfoot as she nudged him along towards the woods. She knew exactly where there was a nice quiet pond that she could clean him up at and make certain that he was able to rest. She almost wished she had a way of keeping him locked up tight where he couldn't hurt anyone else.. she hoped this was just a one time thing, god she hoped with all her heart.

Raising her head up she shook her head as he asked her questions about childhood frights. She shushed him softly as they moved towards the woodlands, her voice soft and quiet as though she didn't want anyone to hear them. "He wouldn't dare come back with me here.." She wasn't for certain about that, but she wished it were true. If she had to keep him a prisoner latched onto her side to keep the horror from returning she would but she knew it was never that easy.

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