It's a dangerous game...

Umbra: WTF! Why should I tell you my name, freak? ¬_¬

*cough* Anyway, more Umbra rudeness. Feel free to attack if you like Wink

The other male got to his paws, and Umbra took half a step back, not wanting to be quite that close to someone of that kind. And of course, the freak took it on himself to 'lecture' Umbra on proper behavior. Oh, Umbra knew how to behave. He just didn't see the reason to do so with a non-wolf who acted like he was half-dead and who kept him from being on his own.

"It got you up, didn't it?" he pointed out, not being one to ruminate on his thoughts before speaking them. "And yes, you rather were acting like you were dying, with all your, 'Help me, I'm lost and I have no strength left because I'm hurt.'" Umbra wasn't big on sarcasm, but sometimes the situation called for it. Like when he tried to help a wolf (despite not wanting to) and then realized it wasn't a wolf at all.

"Seeing as you feel better now, I'm going to assume you'll get to the stream on your own. There's a pack of your kind just southwest of here; I'm sure they could inform you of where you are." And with that, he turned and started walking away. Yes, he was well aware of the fact that the shifter had asked his name, but why should he tell him?

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