in other words, anarchy

ooc text.

Aeron Ganesa

Aeron snarled looking at the girl. She didn’t care that her punches had not done much damage. She moved back as she looked down. She smiled as the sweeping kick to hit her. She moved forward allowing herself to fall forward a semi sore hand catching her. Tucking she came up in one fluid moment going for the girls stomach.

She wanted this to end she wanted her leader to say that he was entertained for she was not. The girl was annoying and she should stop holding back and just smash the girl around but she couldn’t. She was trained to kill had she wanted to kill her she would. She would now. Momentum from her body aiding her in her attack. She smiled to open palms aiming to make contact with the girl’s stomach. She could still feel the sting in her hand from the impact with the woman’s palm.

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