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OOC: lalala this is going to be a quick thread.+3

Mars had been sleeping for once in awhile. When you had more than one personality, you barely did sleep, this was a laid down fact about himself. When Mars wasn't awake doing something, then Bartholomew was awake doing something, and come when Bartholomew was done with the body, it was time for Mars to take over again. Hurricane seemed to had put a big fucking random rift in the body's clock so it had been harder and harder for Mars to keep track of things. He needed to start writing things down in a journal, or have someone who was comfortable being around all of the personalities to record what was going on. That also meant that he would have to be completely comfortable with a person. He would talk to Krystalle about it later. For now, Mars' body rested, his dreams were in vivid colors, everything seeming so real before his ears had heard the intrusion of the outside world.

He woke up instantly and he looked over to the door. His long bangs fell in front of his eyes and then he had gotten up and yawned and stretched before grabbing his jacket and pulling it on as he would walk to the door of his home. He scented the air that was coming through the open windows and he found a foreign scent on the air along with the child he had met yesterday. Mars went up to the door and he opened it to see a violet-eyed giant and the little grey child. Good morning Iliya, and you must be Adrian. It's a pleasure to meet you. he spoke rather politely as he looked between his fellow Russo and the violet eyed man. Come in, please. the male invited the two into his home. He did have questions about Iliya that he would love to ask the man that he assumed spoke more English than the child. He held the door open for them to come in and invited them to take a seat on his couch that he had towards his fireplace before he had moved to a single chair that was close by and he sat in it. How are you two doing this morning? Would either of you like some hot tea? he asked, wondering if they would like some tea or something..

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