The ruins of the past

Word Count » 393

my road to hell is surely paved

Eris had not known of this place prior to the foundation of Salsola. This place had been a mystery to her, and she had explored the Drifter Bay territory extensively as an Inferni coyote. The sable-shaded hybrid had been pleased to find this secret place with its fields of tall grasses and thistles and weeds, obscuring the entrances to the rooms left standing. Some did not have roofs; Eris knew they would need to have something erected over them eventually. In her own case, she had selected a rather private thing, half-underground. Half of the roof was gone, but a cluster of trees had grown in the southwest corner of the building, obscuring most of the open sky and protecting the entrance doubly. They were so lucky to have this place, she thought, settled against the base of one of the trees. Though yet saplings, they were thick and comfortable enough to lean back against, and the hybrid peered about her domain, finding it satisfactory.

A faint scent caught the hybrid's attention, and her chartreuse eyes opened. Janos. She did not know him or Bastion exceptionally well; they had encountered one another briefly, but what she knew of them, she could say they were good additions to Salsola. On fearsome appearance alone, Janos's ability to intimidate was worth his weight in gold. Bastion spoke to a special part of her, one that Sirius did not share but merely tolerated. In return for his quiet tolerance, she was generally not so forthright with her own beliefs, and did not force them upon Salsola as a whole. Bastion's offering, however, and the force and idea behind it, were not lost on the sable hybrid, and she smiled to think of them both, exiting the place she would call home to seek him out.

These ruins were older than the village, and the coyote hybrid meandered amongst their largeness, wondering what they might have been. Some ancient fort? She could not speak to human history, but she found them fascinating nonetheless. Janos's hulking figure stood before her, and the chartreuse-eyed woman smiled at him, a toothy and curved smile that spoke of her superiority and fondness both for this canine. “Just right for us,” she said, softly, not wishing to startle him. He might have heard her approach; she had not been too silent with it.

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