Death To The Angels

slight pp please let me know if you want it changed

Aeron had set traps it would be the last time for a little bit that she would do so. She hoped to ask Io's son to check them. Moving slowly she turned her head. the call was for her. She couldn't believe that Io was calling her. Her heart stopped could she be in need of help?

She moved as fast as she could she didn't want to leave her alone. She should have stayed home today. Slipping into the cave just as the second call was made. She looked at the disheveled mess that Io was and then at the bundle. No, that wasn't fair Io deserved to have them alive. She walked over, the fire dwindling down to nothing as she placed logs into it and crack a flint stone against another to start a fire. It took her a few minutes and she did this in silence.

Getting it going she waited and looked at io. She seemed so, she couldn't find the word for it. Standing she picked up the bundle of the four puppies. She could tell that Io Just couldn't do it. Gently she placed the dead puppies in the fire. it broke her heart and the smell made her want to die. She looked at Io moving close to her but not to close. "May they rest in peace and find there place on the other side." Her voice full of sorrow and her eyes on the fire. She wanted to comfort Io but she just didn't know how too.

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