[m]we watched him pour bad red wine into his head
ooc; lol while writing this i so had my mind on the song 'Big Spender' by shirley bassey XD the song starting at the moment she sees Tal heheheh
Clicky here o.o XD ignore the wierd beginning

Oh and I also asked Sie about the multi father litter and she said the SA would probably not allow it, so I was thinking if they don't realise who they are in this thread, but later on after another litter Big Grin lots of angsty angst mwhahaha

For once the woman did not have her mind set upon males or sex or sexy males or even only slightly sexy males but rather a different vice of her desire all together; Alcohol. She hungered to feel the fire in her veins and the fuzz in her brain, the numbness and yes the feeling of being completely alive. Unknowing that she took the same path that Taliesin Dur Rhiannon would do not long after the snowy femme she walk along almost enticingly to anyone who might be watching, her fingers brushing her long hair from her face and playing idly with the white rose that adorned her hair today. She came across an old hotel that looked promising and instead of using the main entrance as normal people would she climbed in through the first floor window, and proceeded to look about the decaying hotelly bedroom parts of the hotel with interest, rummaging through the rooms and closets and drawers searching for anything of value.

Eventually her hard work, in her eyes, payed off and she found a bottle of whiskey that had managed to survive the downfall of mankind and the subsequent years of abandonment. Cradling the bottle almost as if it were a babe that she should be careful with she carried it up to the second floor, removing the cap and taking a long drink of the liquid gold, relishing the burn at it slowly made its way to her stomach and pooled there as a ball of heat. She fell back onto a bed that had had its legs long ago worn through and now sat on the floor and giggled as the mattress creaked under her weight and dust particles blossomed into the air all around her. Sitting up her deep baby blue eyes looked around the room, and she found a mirror. It was cracked and chipped but still useful in its function.

Critical eyes surveyed herself before petite fingers reached to unzip the leather top, the two halves falling away to reveal a large bosom that stood perkily on its own. She twisted to the side and looked at herself from that angle, for a second seeing herself through the eyes of Lucifer and was pleased with the image that swam before her gaze. The denim hot pants sat low on her hips and swayed sexily with her body when she moved them, snowy tail was as perfect looking as always. She returned to the bottle on the bed and took another longer drink and twirled herself around in a circle in a moment of girlishness. A large over sized coyote-like ear swung to the side as she thought she heard a sound, not recognizing at the chime of the gift shop.

Grabbing up the bottle in her paw she left the room with the mirror and made her way down the steps to the first floor, tilting her head to the side and listening again and was beginning to think she had heard nothing when she heard the gentle chink of glass on wood. She continued down the rest of the stairs and peeked around the corner being careful to keep herself hidden, and the male she spied was absolutely gorgeous. Lovely white fur covered his body, oh the white totally turned her on, the obsession she had inherited from her father coming into play. He would have good genes to pass on whiteness to her pups, it made her tingle inside, white was pure in her eyes and the best, her father was different for it was not his fault he had been born of black coloring but he was white on the inside and that was all that mattered, all that mattered was that she provided him with white pups that he could use to further the Sawtooth line into greatness.

For the duration of the deluded ramblings of her mind she had stayed out of sight but now she walked around the corner brazenly and without shame, for also during her inner monologue she had managed to undo the button to her shorts as well so that now both her articles of clothing were open and displaying her womanly attributes to some degree. She paced right up to him, hips swaying in the way she knew was sexiest before speaking,

"Well hello there handsome..."

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