As the Eagle Flies
OC: Hanna, XD I'm sorry for ignoring you in my previous post. You must have written it while I was typing the last one..

Dark colored wolves were always a bit tricky where Wind was concerned. Not because she had an issue with their color, it had more to do with her difficulty in reading them, or seeing them unless they were in strong light conditions. The black female startled both herself and Etal who, disgruntled, ruffled her feathers and raised her ruff of crest feathers. "Sneaky, dark Singer is, very sneaky," added the bird. Wind, aside from an instinctual jerk of muscles at the appearance of the dark female, "Hanna" listened to their short exchange, and smiled a bit in amusement at the white female's question about Etal. "Well, not really, she tells me where things are, and keeps an eye out for trouble and food." The next exchange between the two had Wind cocking her head in a fashion very similar to the gray eagle. The name Sadira range no bells for her or for Etal, and after exchanging a look with the eagle, she shook her head in confirmation that she did not know them. Etal gave what, for a bird, passed as a laugh, "Singers think they offends us. Singers think I sees for you. Singers is funny... Singers are funny." There were times when Etal noticed when she got grammar incorrect, but as Wind recalled, Etal had not much cared for schooling when she was a chick in the nest. This made it a bit difficult, and certainly amusing at times, to translate the Low Speech. [b]"She isn't easily offended... I can talk for myself..."[b] Wind glanced back at the bird, who had once again thought she should add to the conversation. She returned her attention to the two shes, ignoring Etal for the moment.

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