The suave behemoth flashed her a brilliant smile as he walked to the kitchen area. They didn’t have access to modern refrigeration techniques but he had fashioned his kitchen and cellar in such a way to provide cool refreshment should he need it. His footsteps carried down into the cellar to retrieve a bottle he had brought over from Europe. It was as good a time as any to share good wine with her. Finally those footsteps carried back up the steps, feeling light as a feather as the cork was popped open and two glasses where poured. Water would have proved to be just as nice since he had a well water, he’d fixed the pump a few months ago so he could pull ground water out to use.

Saluce came through to the living area and back into her presence and his tail wagged yet again. The gray gentleman softly handed her the glass and then took a sip of his, swirling it around in his mouth a bit before finally swallowing. This was all an extravagant matter to him to have her here in his house and the prospect of forgoing medical talk and getting to know each other, gave so many amazing possibilities.

“I hope you like the wine Amata, I brought that bottle over with me from Europe,” he smiled enjoying it himself as well. Saluce only had a few bottles of it left and he had every intention of holding onto it as long as possible. Finally he sat down in the seat next to her, his eyes looking over the room before returning his attention back to the Sadira woman.

“So what do I need to do?” he asked as he leaned over to look at the items she had brought with her.

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