Breathe Me

I'm sorry for not completing this. I will try to do it offline and then post it here. Done ^_^

I guess I'll bleed in silence

Lubomir felt listless. He'd hardly left Shadowed Sun territory, weary of being in fights so often. The last time he'd journeyed anywhere had been a few days now, when he'd talked to Mew. Ever since, he'd simply sat in his den, curled up against now imaginary pain, thinking of the scars he would be left with and not finding enough energy to care too much. At times, when the sun would break through the clouds, he would find a patch of light and sit outside or close to his den, avoiding the company of others and simply letting his mind wander. He would think of Ember, but mostly that hurt, so he preferred to return to his conversation with Mew and remember how mature she had seemed, and yet how wounded. It nearly pained him to remember her for long, so soon enough he would close his eyes and imagine lengthy conversations with Frigg and One-Eye. Frigg would dominate Lubomir and jab his wounds, only to point out that by now he was fit to explore again. And One-Eye would make ribald jokes, as he was wont to do, mostly involving unmentionable body parts and sexual intercourse. It put a smile on Lubomir's face

And today, of all days, he had emerged from his den and decided to trot around the Mountain, out of Shadowed Sun land, but close enough to run back in, should the need to do so occur. His head tucked in, he wandered round and round, the same thoughts of the Old Country finding their way back into his head. Lubomir had never experienced such a low mood, such anti-socialness, such a desire to avoid all wolves, shifter or not. He'd always thought himself rational, a creature who could withstand anything after the massacre. Obviously it was not so. He was about to turn back when his gaze caught another wolf and he nearly doubled over. Part of him felt grumpy, mean and sarcastic, with enough cynicism to last him a while. But his rational side argued that he had spent no time around wolves in far too long and this one did not smell of Inferni. He cautiously approached the male and made a small noise in the back of his throat, announcing his presence. 'Good day.' It wasn't much and hopefully the other would prove more talkative than Lubomir.


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