I see laughter in the grave
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg17 ... Ground.jpg);">

Haha, Kirin is so awesome. <3

Faolin could not help but let a small smile spread across her lips. Liking a rising sun it slowly crept over her lips until it was evident she was smiling. This male had amused her, his mannerisms, his jokes, it surely brightened up her day. New coyotes were always welcome and she was suddenly not so thirsty for his blood. Instead she was happy and ready to add him to the ranks, if all he could do was make them laugh, that would be enough. The clan needed to be lightened up every so often, especially in weeks such as the few come to pass. There were a couple things she needed to get out of the way first and being the leader she guessed she really did not need to call on Gabriel to accept him. This really would be her first real joinee.

"Lots look to join, and many of that bunch leave unfortunately," her smile turned into a slight frown before she shook her cream and red muzzle, crimson eyes sitting on the fine male before her. "What do you have to offer? Everyone can hunt, scout and fight, perhaps you are better at one of these things, perhaps you have some strange talents. Fishing, perhaps? or maybe you talk to ghosts, not sure how that would be of help, but it would be interesting none-the-less," she rambled, giving her head another shake. That was Faolin, always rambling, she stopped and awaited a reply from the sandy coloured brute in front of her.

"We seem to be the biggest pack around here, the only coyote clan though. Inferni has been around for years, but I must warn you the wolf pack's around here tend to give us trouble every once in a while." Trouble? That was an understatement. The current threat the wolves posed was dangerous. The last joiners, a woman and child, got ripped to shreds after touching the sands not hours before. The girl squinted visibly as she thought about their remains strewn across the lands. It made a sickening feeling rise in her gut, but she managed to push it down with all her might and hold herself like the Praetorian she was. Relaxing slightly, Faolin sat down, tail curling around her paws and she sat up straight in a very cat-like manner, awaiting a response.
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg17 ... Footer.jpg) no-repeat bottom; width: 396px; height: 58px;">

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