got nothing to show

While the boy understood the importance of rules, and that they were meant to be followed, he was much more fond of creating them himself. He formulated little games to play of the fly, crafting rules that needed to be obeyed to play. In fact, the monochrome pup was so enamored with coming up with little stipulations that he could create them for any situation, regardless of whether there were standards already in place. His views were more important. So it hardly mattered to him that simply taking the books did not necessarily make them his. In his eyes, they were treasures, and by his rules treasures were meant to be taken. It was solid, undeniable.

That is, until the older male took his little rule and turned it against him. Blue eyes widened as the other spoke, realizing that he had been outdone. Jackson tried to hurry and come up with a rebuttal, but he was still empty-handed as his pack mate snatched up one of the books. His flustered dismay returned to the state of anger from earlier, eyes set in a glare and lips fixed in a snarl. “No, you can’t have them ‘cause they’re mine,” he grumbled. He shot the other a defiant look before leaping up, jaws snapping, hoping to get a hold of either the book or his hand. He wasn’t picky.


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